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Cheating Signs

No one wants to believe that his or her partner might be interested in someone else. The situation is filled with a gauntlet of different and equally important emotions. These feelings are almost always accompanied with a barrage of questions, “Can this be true?”, “Am I just being paranoid?”, “Maybe it is just a friend,” and many more .  While every instance is unique below you will find a list of general signs to look for that are often indicative of a cheating lover:

Physical Evidence

  • Cheaters often leave clues regarding their activities in plain sight. The key is identifying and cataloging this evidence. There are many items to watch for: lingering scents of perfume or cologne, lip stick laden collars, receipts for unknown rendezvous or phone numbers scribbled on paper. If something seems suspicious it might very well be worth increased attention.

Trust your Gut

  • Human instincts often are able to pick up subtle changes in behavior typically unnoticeable by other means. If you have a gut feeling that something isn’t right there is a good chance that you are correct. Like the old saying says, “when in doubt, check it out.”

The Money Trail

  • Examining financial records can be a very useful tool if you suspect that you may be the victim of infidelity. Increased spending habits and unaccounted dinners or lodging, often indicates philandering.

Phone Talk

  • If your partner is seeing someone else they are probably talking to him or her on the phone as well. Be cautious of calls that occur at strange hours or if the caller hangs up. Cheaters will often obtain a“secret” cell phone in order to keep their activity as concealed as possible. If you have access to cellular phone records ,keep an eye out for repeated calls, or text messages to unknown numbers.

Behavioral Changes

  • When a person is involved in an affair, they often change aspects of their normal behavior. This could include a change in grooming habits, or in a person’s manner of dress. Look for changes in a person’s sex life, personality, or in their daily routine. Commonly, these changes are in response to a new love interest, and are often the first sign’s recognized by a cheater’s partner.